Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Introduction: CNJ 461; University of Miami

Welcome to the blog for CNJ 461. By the time you read this you will have already read the syllabus and we will have already discussed the assignment, but let's review anyway. Each week I want each of student in the class to post a comment about one thing you think the Miami Herald or another local news media organization did right or did wrong. Be specific. Include the url or clips. Explain your reasoning in about 50 or fewer words. I and yoru classmates may or may not agree with you, but that's not the point. The point is the discussion and the time you will spend thinking about local news. You will receive full credit as along as you make a good faith effort at this. For these posts (as opposed to other assignments in class), I am not terribly concerned with writing style, though some clarity will certainly help. If someone identifies what you intended to use before you do so, find something else. There will be plenty of opportunities. Read all of the comments. We will discuss in class. I have not done this in earlier semesters, so this is somewhat experimental. I reserve the right to modify the guidelines as we proceed and as in all similar matters, please exercise reasonable discretion given the format and our class purposes. Enjoy.